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ÁÖ¹°¿ë µµÇüÁ¦ (SUPER MOLD)
Coatings for Foundry Mold and Core

¾ö¼±µÈ ±¤¹°¸¸À» ¼±ÅÃÇÏ°í, ÷´Ü Á¦Á¶ °øÁ¤À¸·Î Á¦Á¶ÇÏ¿©, ³ôÀº ³»È­µµ, ¿ì¼öÇÑ ÄÚÆ÷Â, Á¡°á·Â ¹× ÀÛ¾÷¼ºÀ¸·Î ÁÖ¹° °áÇÔÀ» ÃÖ¼ÒÈ­ ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
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¾ËÄݼº SC-5132 ÁÖ°­, ÁÖö Zircon
SC-5181 ÁÖ°­, ÁÖö Zircon
SC-5712 Flow Coating Graphite
SC-5713 ÁÖö Graphite
SC-5325 Full Mold Mullite
SC-5725 Full Mold Graphite
SC-5591 °í¸Á°£°­ Magnesia
¼ö¿ë¼º SC-5151 ÁÖö Graphite
SC-5142 ÁÖ°­, ÁÖö Zircon

°æ±âµµ ½ÃÈï½Ã Á¤¿Õµ¿ 1237-4 (½ÃÈ­°ø´Ü 1¶ó 704)
        tel. 031-499-1245 / fax. 031-499-1249

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